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Meeting other students

Listen to a group of new students meeting for the first time to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Language level

Beginner: A1


When I was a student, I really enjoy study Maths, I did a lot of Maths exercises. I remember I got the maximum point when I did the exam in three semesters. That makes me become a software engineer for now. And in the future, I will teach my children about Maths and Sciences

What subjects do you like to study?

I like to study programming language, maths, physics and about the universe. I think I like these themes inherited from my father, because he is a nuclear physicist, really a scientist. He told me that if you want to understand the universe, you must know physics and mathematics.

When I went to high school, I liked every subjects, but i prefered english, french and math. Now I'm a math's teacher in a primary school.

I like German, French, chemistry, economic, Geometry, art

I like Math, and Econometric. It is very interesting. Also I like practice subjects, when you can learn some skills.

I didn't like studying any subject when I was a student. I only like PH and music class. I wish I was more interested in some subject as a student. anyway, I like studying language now and interested in a lot of things to learn

I-m stundying English and math

I hope that the mathematics are not only science but art too

the subjects i like to study are history, geography and sometimes maths, honestly i don't like it but when you understand you start to like and this is very excite

I like History and math.
